Hot off the Press: Support McCallum’s Award-Winning Journalism Program

Do you get your Mac news fix from MacJournalism’s Instagram page? Do you love seeing pictures of your kids posted online? Are you floored by the incredible publication that is created by and for students six times a year and sent to all Mac families for free?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider making a donation to the MacJournalism program or purchasing a subscription of The Shield. MacJournalism is raising funds to upgrade and purchase new photography equipment, pay contest fees, and help students attend national conferences. Donations of any size can be made on school cash online. This is the same system used to pay for NHS dues and other school-related expenses. Just search for MacJournalism. You can also send a check with your student to Mr. Winter’s in Room 134 (make checks payable to MacJournalism). Thank you so much for supporting McCallum’s award-winning journalists.

Questions? Please reach out to Amy Spiro at