Senior Yearbook Ads

Senior Ad Procedures We’ve launched our Senior Ads platform for the yearbook! How to buy an ad: To place an ad to honor a senior (or a group of seniors!), go to // Scroll down to “Yearbook Recognition Ads.” Sign in with your Jostens account information, or register by clicking “Sign Up.” Type in the name of the student being recognized. Select your ad size. Then, click on one of the templates. Consider how many images you would like to have in the ad. NOTE: The template on the Jostens website is a submission portal; the yearbook staff will redesign the ad! (See last note at the bottom). To edit the text of the ad, double-click the text on the template and type your message. Along the left side of the page, you can change your template choice or select photos. About Images: Jostens has some requirement for the photos to ensure that they will print beautifully in the yearbook. Images must be in .JPG, .TIF, or .PNG format. Note that .HEIC photos (from iPhones) will not work. You can convert HEIC images to JPG online for free; search google for “Convert HEIC to JPG” to find numerous websites offering this service. Files must be under 50MB in size and the maximum resolution is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. Be sure that your pictures are high enough resolution to print well. The Jostens tool will reject photos that are not high resolution. Jostens says. “Minimum of 107 DPI (dots per inch), we recommend 300 DPI to size.” When you upload a photo, it appears in the library bar on the left side of the screen. Then, just drag and drop the image onto the template. Once it’s in the template, you can zoom and crop the image. Finalizing: Once the content of your ad is written and uploaded into the template, you can purchase your ad by clicking “Preview and Buy” in the top right corner. Note: You cannot purchase the ad without all of the content uploaded. But you can close out of the uncompleted ad and return to finish it later. Here is a video from Jostens showing the whole process: And here is the “Help” page for ads from Jostens: IMPORTANT: Buying an ad is NOT a purchase for a yearbook. You can buy the yearbook separately at // About Ad Design: The yearbook staff will be skillfully designing the final ads for the yearbook using the content uploaded by the purchaser. The yearbook staff want the ads to have a look which complements the design ideas in the rest of the yearbook. Don’t spend too much time fretting about where things go on the Jostens template! Staff designers will send purchasers a proof/draft of the ad before we finalize it.
