Donations Needed! 2023 Project Graduation No-Fuss Fundraiser Launching Now...

The class of 2023 is heading into their final semester of high school and its time to start planning for some celebration! Please help us reach our goal of $32,000 for the class of 2023 Project Graduation carnival (taking place on May 24th) using the link below: McCallum's 'No-Fuss', ‘No Hassle’ fundraiser for Project Graduation is off-and-running! Prior to this kick-off, over 100 families have purchased Senior Yard Signs, raising more than $4,000. What an amazing testament to McCallum senior’s school spirit and all the parents involved. Over the next five weeks, as we march towards our goal of $32,000, we will also be sharing stories, insights, and particulars that highlight our senior class of 2023 and the amazing celebration being planned. As for the fundraiser - donating via our Project Graduation square site is quick, easy, and can be done at any time you choose. 'No Fuss' means you should not be troubled by this. Donate what you can, when you can. 'No Fuss' also means that funds will be collected without the added trouble of students selling wrapping paper, candy, or other items. We hope that you can help support this effort, where 100% of your donation goes directly to supporting our celebration for 2023 Seniors. Stay tuned! Throughout the fundraiser, we will be using McCallum High School Parents Facebook group, Mac Class of 2023 Parents Facebook group, and the MacKnightly Newsletter to share updates, encouragement, and general ‘good vibes’. If you haven’t yet done so, please consider joining our Facebook page. Thank you to all those that have already purchased Yard Signs! Let's keep it going!! Go Knights!
