Class of 2023 Project Graduation - Call to Action!

We have had a good initial response for our Project Graduation Fundraiser with 10% of Class of 2023 parents participating to get us to 30% of our fundraising goal. It's not too late to pitch in and get us over the finish line! Please click the link below to donate: We know that this is a busy time for senior families which is why we are focusing on this no-hassle fundraiser as our primary avenue to support the end of year senior carnival, senior prize giveaways, safe rides home with Uber from prom, and graduation day safe rides home with Uber. These programs benefit every senior at McCallum and make for a fun (and safe) end of year for the kids. The no-hassle fundraiser means you can make a simple donation to ensure the class of 2023 gets to experience the celebrations the classes before them have. We will be circling back to parents shortly with additional opportunities to volunteer and help with the carnival. Stay tuned... Class of 2023 Project Graduation Committee Important Upcoming Dates for Seniors: April 22nd: Prom May 18th: Elementary School Graduate Walks May 22nd: Senior Breakfast May 24th: Senior Carnival May 25th: Last Day of School May 31st: Graduation
