Mac Choir Presents Fauré’s Requiem

May 6th (Mon), 7:00-8:00 pm

Under the direction of Mr. Nathan Thompson and in collaboration with the McCallum Orchestra, the McCallum High School Fine Arts Academy Choir proudly presents their Spring 2024 Masterwork Concert: Fauré’s Requiem

Fauré’s Requiem is one of the cornerstones of the choral canon, and has been performed by community and professional ensembles all over the world. In this work, Fauré navigates themes of death and grief while still providing a unique sense of hope for the living.

This special performance will be held from 7:00-8:00 pm on Monday, May 6th, in the McCallum Arts Center (MAC). Admission is free and open to the public. Donations are gladly accepted, and will go toward the cost of Mac Choir’s end-of-year Banquet. You will not want to miss this fabulous collaboration!

Don't miss it!
