Class of 2022 Highland Park Alumni Grad Walk

Graduation walk for Highland Park Elementary Alumni who are graduating from high school this school year

Date: Thursday, May 19 (rain date is Friday, May 20)
Time: 7:45 a.m.
Location: Picnic tables near Perry Playground/Tennis Courts.

Students will line up and walk through the school in your gap year/college merch or cap and gown to the cheers of current Highland Park students and teachers lining the halls.Please carpool if you can and park in neighborhood side streets. Arrive no later than 7:45 a.m. to receive instructions from Mrs. Land, your previous HP School Counselor. We will have oversized paper for you to write your name w/ your current high school in BIG LETTERS so that all your former teachers can call out to you as you pass. Walk will commence at 8:00 a.m. SHARP.

RSVP: Students, kindly RSVP via this Google Form so that we know to expect you. SPREAD THE WORD! 
Questions? Contact Cari Land at