MacKnightly News

Class of 2015 10 Year Reunion

The class of 2015 is starting to plan our 10-year reunion! Please fill out the Google Form to help with the planning process.

Support Girls Track!

Girls track is getting so close to their fundraising goal. They will appreciate anything that you can give!!! First meet is coming up on March 4th!

MAC Summer Band

Band Camps this summer include: Percussion and Colorguard Camps: July 18-22 Summer Band Camp for Everyone: July 25-August 12 (M-F) For more information, please contact Carol Nelson at

Optional Summer Math Practice

Hello McCallum students and parents! The McCallum math department put together some suggested practice materials for students that want to brush up on their skills before the school year. These assignments are optional.

8th Annual AISD Social and Emotional Learning and Cultural Proficiency & Inclusiveness Symposium

Dear MAC Families, Don’t miss Austin ISD’s 8th Annual Social and Emotional Learning and Cultural Proficiency & Inclusiveness (SEL and CP&I) Symposium on June 16, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The 2022 SEL and CP&I Symposium: “Transform Tomorrow Together” will be virtual!

MacTheatre Presents Camp Jumbaline!

This year’s student written musical is a fun filled, summer camp spectacular! In this retelling of the timeless story of two star crossed lovers, we join Olive, the new girl in camp, as she navigates a cabin rivalry, a vast amount of woods, and some highly stressed counselors! This story explores the world of social …

Senior Baccalaureate on May 29

Parents are reviving the McCallum baccalaureate tradition at Covenant Presbyterian Church, from 2 to 5 p.m., Sunday, May 29. Baccalaureate is a non-denominational service honoring graduating seniors with a positive sendoff message. The last McCallum baccalaureate service was in 2019. This is an opportunity for families to honor their graduates in a more personal setting …

Mac Art Knights conquer State VASE

Congratulations to all our students who qualified and attended the 2022 State Event event held at San Marcos High School on April 30. State qualifying artworks were assessed by jurors and many McCallum student artists received a IV Rating — Exemplary and were named All-State Artists by TAEA and VASE. The artwork created by these

Maplewood Elementary Senior Walk on May 19

All Maplewood Elementary alumni and their family are invited to a senior walk! Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 Time: 7:50-8:30 a.m. Location: Maplewood Elementary Come in your cap and gown your high school or college T-shirt to walk the halls of your elementary school! There will be a small reception in the library afterwards. Due

Academy Awards Knight on May 25

Celebrating our Graduating Fine Arts Academy Seniors! Date: May 25, 2022 Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Location: The MAC Theater

Help the MAC Tennis Team — Amy’s Fundraiser May 16

Join us for a fundraiser for the McCallum High School Tennis Team. Dine in or take out – just mention McCallum Tennis in the order or comments. Location: Amy’s Ice Cream, Phil’s Icehouse at 5424 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78756\ Date: May 16 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. The McCallum Tennis Team and Booster

Bryker Woods Elementary School Senior Walk

All family and friends of Bryker Woods alumni are invited to a senior walk. Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Time: 7:50-8:3 a.m. Location: Bryker Woods Elementary Come in your cap and gown and your high school or college T-shirt to walk the halls of your elementary school. There will be a small reception in the