Rising 9th Grade Scheduing



Learn About your class options:

McCallum Course Descriptions 

Learn about 4 year plans and graduation requirements:

Digital Course Fair

Core Pathways

CTE Pathways

Honors Drop Form

Grad Plan/4 Year Plan

How do I make changes for next year's schedule?

Schedule changes are expected to be made

BEFORE the first day of school. Only emergencies such missing classes will be changed once school begins.

IMPORTANT Schedule Change Requirements
After School Starts

  • No teacher changes will be considered at any time. Class period changes will only be considered to balance workload between A & B days. 

  • You MUST list at least as many classes to ADD as you are DROPPING. Please add 2 alternates. (Don’t forget that some classes are ½ credit classes and you need 2 to make a full year).

  • Granting your request may move your schedule around. Do not request a schedule change unless you are ok with this. 

To move from an Honors Level class:
(After school has started)

Students are allowed to drop down a level, after the 1st 6 weeks of class.

 There are several steps that a student must complete before they can make the change which should all be documented on the drop form.

  • Student must speak to the teacher to talk about why they want to drop the class and to discuss strategies for success.

  • Student must go to their counselor to talk about academic strategies to be successful.

  • Student must stay in the class for the first 6 weeks (until Sept. 20th)

  • Student must attend at least 3 tutoring or FIT sessions with the teacher.

  • Student must try to make up Missing work and Major Grades.

  • There will be a conference (in person or by phone) with parents, counselor and assistant principal before final approval.

  • Teacher must approve the chance.

  • Parents must approve the change.

  • Assistant Principal must approve the change