Fine Arts Academy Scheduling

Fine Arts Academy Scheduling Help


Sample 4 Year Plans by Major:

These plans are typical plans. Additional requirements apply. When in doubt contact Ms. Goldstein or check your contract. 




Learn About your class options:

Contact Information

FAA Website:

Fine Arts Academy Website

FAA Office:

Contact about anything to do with the academy including auditions, changing majors, optional plans, issues, and other FAA questions.

Dennis Harms, Interim FAA Director -

Tonya Moore, FAA Secretary -

FAA Counseling Office:

Contact about anything to do with scheduling, mental health, 504, letters of recommendation or other general school counselor questions.

Shelley Goldstein - FAA Counselor -

What if I am coming from a private school or zoned for another school?

Fill out the google doc and I will put your classes in for you after your transfer is complete. Don't worry! You will get the classes that you need. Don't forget to fill out the alternate class selection form. If at all possible, send a copy of your transcript to me. It will help me make sure that you get all of the correct core classes (especially with math and language).

How do I add more room to my schedule?

Garza Online

Many of our students take health during the summer with Garza Online! Other classes are offered as well. 

Must be completed before 12th grade year!

Simply click on the link to register.

Garza Registration Form


Many of our students take ACC classes to make room on their schedule. Typically choices:

10th Grade Summer - US History 1302

11th Grade Summer - Government and/or Economics

Contact Camille Nix in Room 130 or

email at

ACC Information